How I Got 500+ Connections and 3 Job Offers in 2 Months on Linkedin
#Tips and tricks to build your Linkedin network now!
I first opened my LinkedIn account on my birthday, January 18, 2020. I was on Instagram scrolling and ran into this random guy GaryVee going on and on about why everyone needs to be on Linkedin and of course, following my nosy instincts, I checked out the website, made an account was overwhelmed by the horrible user experience and left.
A few months later October 2020 to be exact I ran into another person going on and on about Linkedin. I am sure you all know about him. His name is Danny Thompson aka @DThompsonDev. I followed him on Twitter and noticed he was always talking about it. So I went back to the website and gave it another chance. I also watched Danny’s Linkedin series Check it out!. I will be 100% honest and say no I did not watch all of it but I did watch enough to go in on my Linkedin profile and gave it a makeover.
What did I do?
- Made a banner
- Added my personal information
- Added certifications
- Started posting.
How did I gain 500+ connections?
I shared my accomplishments, thoughts, and experiences. I started sharing my blog posts, youtube videos, and also started interacting with people. Just being myself.
I connected with people in my area and only reached out to people in Belgium and Europe because that is where I live. Once I started connecting with people I discovered more people through mutual connections. That is how the ball started rolling.
If you have 1 or more mutual connections with people and they see that your account is not fake they feel more comfortable requesting a connection or accepting a connection request.
I think it is important to tailor your Linkedin account to what your goals are. For example my goals are:
- Connect with developers, people and tech companies in Europe.
- Have genuine connections and exchange knowledge with other like minded individuals
- Find a job in Belgium or
- Find a Remote Job in Europe
If you live in California but your goal is to find a job and live in Chicago then you should be making connections in Chicago.
Linkedin is not like any other social media account where you don’t really know where your followers are from or what they do. It is important to actually make connections on Linkedin. Know who you connect with and why you connect with the specific individual.
Why is this important?
If one of your goals is to find a job especially your 1st job in tech then Linkedin is your best friend. Follow companies you would like to work at. Check out who works at those companies. See if you have mutual connections. If you do then request a connection. If you do not have a mutual connection add a message to the request explaining why you would like to connect with them.
With time things will gain momentum and your connections will grow the job offers will also come.
I hope this post was helpful. If you have any questions leave them in the comments or if you just want to chat reach out I would love to connect.
Photo by inlytics | LinkedIn Analytics Tool on Unsplash